About this blog:
This blog is intended to be both fun and informative. Most of the time I’ll discuss an artist that is either famous or not so famous and the musical tree that reflects their influence on other artists. I’ll mix it up sometimes and do reverse trees (taking a current hitmaker and working backwards), looking at famous music studios, maybe even dissect an album or two. Along the way we’ll have periodic giveaways and hopefully a lot of fun!
About Me:
Music has been part of my life as long as I can remember. Growing up the youngest of 4 children, thanks to my older siblings my earliest memories are accompanied by a soundtrack that consists of The Beatles, The Kinks, The Beach Boys, and Bob Dylan to name a few. My own musical tastes run the gamut from blues, classic rock, prog rock, new wave, country, alt rock, jamband, jazz, and pop. My ears are always open and always listening!